working in Italy as an EU or non-EU citizen.

If you are a foreign citizen who would like to live or already lives in Italy and are looking for a job, it is important for you to know some basic information.

Whether you are a refugee, a political asylum seeker, a person with international protection or simply a foreigner not resident in Italy, you need to start from a key distinction: do you come from one of the 28 countries of the European Union or are you a non-EU citizen?

what do you need to start working in Italy?

Work for foreigners in Italy is governed by the Consolidated Text on Immigration, which establishes the requirements for a non-EU citizen to enter and work in Italy.

To work in Italy it is necessary to have:

  • a residence permit that is in process of validity and, if it has expired, a request for renewal made within 60 days of the expiry date.
  • a valid identity card or passport. 
  • a fiscal code. 

In some cases and under certain conditions provided by the current legislation, you can temporarily work with alternative documents than the residence permit.


what is the difference between a work visa and a residence permit?

A visa is a document that is required to enter Italy. It therefore allows you to legally enter the country.

A residence permit, which you must apply for upon entering Italian territory, is the document required to legally reside in Italy.

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how to apply for a work residence permit.

A work residence permit is an essential document if you want to work in Italy, which must be applied for within 8 working days of entering Italian territory.

You can apply for different types of residence permit for work purposes, based on your needs:

  • for employment
  • for self-employment
  • for seasonal work
  • for multi-year seasonal work
  • for those awaiting employment

The application for a residence permit must be submitted to the Police Headquarters of the Province in which you intend to reside. In order to submit the application, you must have a valid passport and a certification attesting your current address of residence.

In addition, depending on the type of permit you are requesting, additional documents may be required, such as a copy of the residence contract signed at the Unified Immigration Desk.


how long does an Italian work residence permit last? 

The duration of an Italian work residence permit cannot exceed:

  • 9 months for seasonal work
  • 1 year for fixed-term employment or for attending a certified vocational training course
  • 2 years for permanent employment, for self-employment or for family reunification

In all cases, it is possible to renew the residence permit upon request to the competent police headquarters for the province of residence up to 60 days following the expiry date.

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family reunification: who is entitled to it?

Italy recognizes and protects family unity as a fundamental right, including for foreign workers who wish to be reunited with their families. For this reason, it is possible to request family reunification.

Entering the cournty for family reunification allows family members of foreign citizens that legally reside in Italy to enter the country for a long-term, fixed-term or indefinite stay.

Reunification can be requested for the following family members:

  • a spouse who is not legally separated from the applicant and who is not under 18 years of age;
  •  minor children, including children of a spouse or those born out of wedlock, who are not married, provided that the other parent, if there is another parent, has given their consent. The child must be under 18 years of age at the time in which the application is submitted;
  • dependent adult children if for objective reasons they cannot provide for their essential living needs due to their state of health resulting in total disability;
  • dependent parents, if they have no other children in their country of origin or their country of provenance.


how to request family reunification.

In order to proceed with family reunification, the foreigner legally residing in Italy must submit an application to the Unified Desk for Immigration requesting authorization to be reunited. Only after the authorization has been issued, the family member from the foreign country can proceed to apply for an entry visa for family reasons at the Italian Embassy of their country of origin.

A residence permit for family reasons can be converted into a residence permit for employment, self-employment or for study. Therefore, even the reunited family member has the opportunity to work in Italy.

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